Prozac. Fight your depression. Buy prozac.

The anti-depressant Prozac is probably the most high profile treatment after Viagra.It was hailed as a miracle pill, but became a victim of its own success. Patients who were not clinically depressed used the drug as a quick fix for their problems.There is opinion that the drug is addictive. However Prozac has become the first-line treatment for the patients with the signs of major depression.Over 30 million people in the world have been prescribed Prozac. So, Prozac is considered the worldwide most prescribed anti-depressant.What is prozac?Prozac (fluoxetine) antidepressant drug called selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs). SSRIs make serotonin more available for the brain. Serotonin is a chemical substance that affects mood. SSRIs usually need just one dose per day, are safer to take with other drugs and have less risk in overdose.Is Prozac effective?All the drugs prescribed for depression are almost equal in effectiveness but Prozac is considered as the best.On average, Prozac seem to help 60% to 80% of the people who take them. Many people combine Prozac with psychotherapy.Are there side effects?There is evidence to suggest that taking Prozac may trigger suicidal thoughts in children. English Department of Health has recommended that Prozac should be prescribed to patients under 18! However, an analysis by the FDA concluded that the drug posed a similar risk to young people as other SSRIs and recommended Prozac should carry the strongest warning that it could cause children to harm themselves. Eli Lilly, Prozac manufacturer, argued that in no case studied Prozac actually lead to a suicide, and that depressed people were prone to suicidal thoughts regardless of what medication they took. They also warned that the risk of not treating children’ depression at all was probably greater than any risk posed by taking Prozac.Prozac has also side effects similar to other antidepressants: nausea, headaches; diarrhea, insomnia, sexual difficulties.Is that true that Prozac transforms personality?There is no scientific evidence that claims that Prozac can transform personality. People may become more gregarious and easy going when taking Prozac, but this can be depression consequences, rather than properties of Prozac.